Current & Past Projects
Expression Swings!
These unique swings allow parents or adults to swing along with their toddlers. The Park Board is committed to installing at least one expression swing in each park, and the Foundation has given several grants to help make this happen.
The Foundation awarded a grant to a Boy Scout to help fund a gaga ball pit at Lincoln Park. Our grant was matched with his other fundraising to install the first gaga ball pit in any of our parks. Haven't heard of gaga ball? Stop by Lincoln Park by the large picnic shelter and discover how much fun it can be!
The Foundation has provided scholarships to enable youth to participate in the Park & Recreation Department's summer Adventure Camp, youth sports of all kinds, and more. No child should not be able to participate due to financial need, so our scholarships are one of our most critical programs. We have helped dozens of youth and families to be able to take advantage of the programming and activities offered.